Helix mode in other software

Helix' keymap and interaction model (Using Helix) is easier to adopt if it can be used consistently in many editing contexts. Yet, certain use cases cannot easily be addressed directly in Helix. Similar to vim, this leads to the creation of "Helix mode" in various other software products, allowing Helix-style editing for a greater variety of use cases.

"Helix mode" is frequently still in early stages or missing entirely. For such cases, we also link to relevant bugs or discussions.

Other editors

EditorPlugin or feature providing Helix editingComments
Vimhelix.vim config
IntelliJ IDEA / Android StudioIdeaVim plugin + helix.idea.vim configMinimum recommended version is IdeaVim 2.19.0.
Visual Studio CodeDance extension, or its Helix forkThe Helix fork has diverged. You can also use the original Dance and tweak its keybindings directly (try this config).
Visual Studio CodeHelix for VS Code extension
Zednative via keybindings (Bug)


ShellPlugin or feature providing Helix editing
FishFeature Request
NushellFeature Request

Other software

SoftwarePlugin or feature providing Helix editing.Comments
ObsidianObsidian-HelixUses codemirror-helix listed above.