
Typable commands

Typable commands are used from command mode and may take arguments. Command mode can be activated by pressing :. The built-in typable commands are:

:quit, :qClose the current view.
:quit!, :q!Force close the current view, ignoring unsaved changes.
:open, :o, :edit, :eOpen a file from disk into the current view.
:buffer-close, :bc, :bcloseClose the current buffer.
:buffer-close!, :bc!, :bclose!Close the current buffer forcefully, ignoring unsaved changes.
:buffer-close-others, :bco, :bcloseotherClose all buffers but the currently focused one.
:buffer-close-others!, :bco!, :bcloseother!Force close all buffers but the currently focused one.
:buffer-close-all, :bca, :bcloseallClose all buffers without quitting.
:buffer-close-all!, :bca!, :bcloseall!Force close all buffers ignoring unsaved changes without quitting.
:buffer-next, :bn, :bnextGoto next buffer.
:buffer-previous, :bp, :bprevGoto previous buffer.
:write, :wWrite changes to disk. Accepts an optional path (:write some/path.txt)
:write!, :w!Force write changes to disk creating necessary subdirectories. Accepts an optional path (:write! some/path.txt)
:write-buffer-close, :wbcWrite changes to disk and closes the buffer. Accepts an optional path (:write-buffer-close some/path.txt)
:write-buffer-close!, :wbc!Force write changes to disk creating necessary subdirectories and closes the buffer. Accepts an optional path (:write-buffer-close! some/path.txt)
:new, :nCreate a new scratch buffer.
:format, :fmtFormat the file using an external formatter or language server.
:indent-styleSet the indentation style for editing. ('t' for tabs or 1-16 for number of spaces.)
:line-endingSet the document's default line ending. Options: crlf, lf.
:earlier, :earJump back to an earlier point in edit history. Accepts a number of steps or a time span.
:later, :latJump to a later point in edit history. Accepts a number of steps or a time span.
:write-quit, :wq, :xWrite changes to disk and close the current view. Accepts an optional path (:wq some/path.txt)
:write-quit!, :wq!, :x!Write changes to disk and close the current view forcefully. Accepts an optional path (:wq! some/path.txt)
:write-all, :waWrite changes from all buffers to disk.
:write-all!, :wa!Forcefully write changes from all buffers to disk creating necessary subdirectories.
:write-quit-all, :wqa, :xaWrite changes from all buffers to disk and close all views.
:write-quit-all!, :wqa!, :xa!Write changes from all buffers to disk and close all views forcefully (ignoring unsaved changes).
:quit-all, :qaClose all views.
:quit-all!, :qa!Force close all views ignoring unsaved changes.
:cquit, :cqQuit with exit code (default 1). Accepts an optional integer exit code (:cq 2).
:cquit!, :cq!Force quit with exit code (default 1) ignoring unsaved changes. Accepts an optional integer exit code (:cq! 2).
:themeChange the editor theme (show current theme if no name specified).
:yank-joinYank joined selections. A separator can be provided as first argument. Default value is newline.
:clipboard-yankYank main selection into system clipboard.
:clipboard-yank-joinYank joined selections into system clipboard. A separator can be provided as first argument. Default value is newline.
:primary-clipboard-yankYank main selection into system primary clipboard.
:primary-clipboard-yank-joinYank joined selections into system primary clipboard. A separator can be provided as first argument. Default value is newline.
:clipboard-paste-afterPaste system clipboard after selections.
:clipboard-paste-beforePaste system clipboard before selections.
:clipboard-paste-replaceReplace selections with content of system clipboard.
:primary-clipboard-paste-afterPaste primary clipboard after selections.
:primary-clipboard-paste-beforePaste primary clipboard before selections.
:primary-clipboard-paste-replaceReplace selections with content of system primary clipboard.
:show-clipboard-providerShow clipboard provider name in status bar.
:change-current-directory, :cdChange the current working directory.
:show-directory, :pwdShow the current working directory.
:encodingSet encoding. Based on
:character-info, :charGet info about the character under the primary cursor.
:reload, :rlDiscard changes and reload from the source file.
:reload-all, :rlaDiscard changes and reload all documents from the source files.
:update, :uWrite changes only if the file has been modified.
:lsp-workspace-commandOpen workspace command picker
:lsp-restartRestarts the given language servers, or all language servers that are used by the current file if no arguments are supplied
:lsp-stopStops the given language servers, or all language servers that are used by the current file if no arguments are supplied
:tree-sitter-scopesDisplay tree sitter scopes, primarily for theming and development.
:tree-sitter-highlight-nameDisplay name of tree-sitter highlight scope under the cursor.
:debug-start, :dbgStart a debug session from a given template with given parameters.
:debug-remote, :dbg-tcpConnect to a debug adapter by TCP address and start a debugging session from a given template with given parameters.
:debug-evalEvaluate expression in current debug context.
:vsplit, :vsOpen the file in a vertical split.
:vsplit-new, :vnewOpen a scratch buffer in a vertical split.
:hsplit, :hs, :spOpen the file in a horizontal split.
:hsplit-new, :hnewOpen a scratch buffer in a horizontal split.
:tutorOpen the tutorial.
:goto, :gGoto line number.
:set-language, :langSet the language of current buffer (show current language if no value specified).
:set-option, :setSet a config option at runtime.
For example to disable smart case search, use :set false.
:toggle-option, :toggleToggle a config option at runtime.
For example to toggle smart case search, use :toggle
:get-option, :getGet the current value of a config option.
:sortSort ranges in selection.
:reflowHard-wrap the current selection of lines to a given width.
:tree-sitter-subtree, :ts-subtreeDisplay the smallest tree-sitter subtree that spans the primary selection, primarily for debugging queries.
:config-reloadRefresh user config.
:config-openOpen the user config.toml file.
:config-open-workspaceOpen the workspace config.toml file.
:log-openOpen the helix log file.
:insert-outputRun shell command, inserting output before each selection.
:append-outputRun shell command, appending output after each selection.
:pipePipe each selection to the shell command.
:pipe-toPipe each selection to the shell command, ignoring output.
:run-shell-command, :shRun a shell command
:reset-diff-change, :diffget, :diffgReset the diff change at the cursor position.
:clear-registerClear given register. If no argument is provided, clear all registers.
:redrawClear and re-render the whole UI
:move, :mvMove the current buffer and its corresponding file to a different path
:yank-diagnosticYank diagnostic(s) under primary cursor to register, or clipboard by default
:read, :rLoad a file into buffer
:echoPrints the given arguments to the statusline.
:noopDoes nothing.

Static Commands

Static commands take no arguments and can be bound to keys. Static commands can also be executed from the command picker (<space>?). The built-in static commands are:

NameDescriptionDefault keybinds
no_opDo nothing
move_char_leftMove leftnormal: h, <left>, insert: <left>
move_char_rightMove rightnormal: l, <right>, insert: <right>
move_line_upMove upnormal: gk
move_line_downMove downnormal: gj
move_visual_line_upMove upnormal: k, <up>, insert: <up>
move_visual_line_downMove downnormal: j, <down>, insert: <down>
extend_char_leftExtend leftselect: h, <left>
extend_char_rightExtend rightselect: l, <right>
extend_line_upExtend upselect: gk
extend_line_downExtend downselect: gj
extend_visual_line_upExtend upselect: k, <up>
extend_visual_line_downExtend downselect: j, <down>
copy_selection_on_next_lineCopy selection on next linenormal: C, select: C
copy_selection_on_prev_lineCopy selection on previous linenormal: <A-C>, select: <A-C>
move_next_word_startMove to start of next wordnormal: w
move_prev_word_startMove to start of previous wordnormal: b
move_next_word_endMove to end of next wordnormal: e
move_prev_word_endMove to end of previous word
move_next_long_word_startMove to start of next long wordnormal: W
move_prev_long_word_startMove to start of previous long wordnormal: B
move_next_long_word_endMove to end of next long wordnormal: E
move_prev_long_word_endMove to end of previous long word
move_next_sub_word_startMove to start of next sub word
move_prev_sub_word_startMove to start of previous sub word
move_next_sub_word_endMove to end of next sub word
move_prev_sub_word_endMove to end of previous sub word
move_parent_node_endMove to end of the parent nodenormal: <A-e>
move_parent_node_startMove to beginning of the parent nodenormal: <A-b>
extend_next_word_startExtend to start of next wordselect: w
extend_prev_word_startExtend to start of previous wordselect: b
extend_next_word_endExtend to end of next wordselect: e
extend_prev_word_endExtend to end of previous word
extend_next_long_word_startExtend to start of next long wordselect: W
extend_prev_long_word_startExtend to start of previous long wordselect: B
extend_next_long_word_endExtend to end of next long wordselect: E
extend_prev_long_word_endExtend to end of prev long word
extend_next_sub_word_startExtend to start of next sub word
extend_prev_sub_word_startExtend to start of previous sub word
extend_next_sub_word_endExtend to end of next sub word
extend_prev_sub_word_endExtend to end of prev sub word
extend_parent_node_endExtend to end of the parent nodeselect: <A-e>
extend_parent_node_startExtend to beginning of the parent nodeselect: <A-b>
find_till_charMove till next occurrence of charnormal: t
find_next_charMove to next occurrence of charnormal: f
extend_till_charExtend till next occurrence of charselect: t
extend_next_charExtend to next occurrence of charselect: f
till_prev_charMove till previous occurrence of charnormal: T
find_prev_charMove to previous occurrence of charnormal: F
extend_till_prev_charExtend till previous occurrence of charselect: T
extend_prev_charExtend to previous occurrence of charselect: F
repeat_last_motionRepeat last motionnormal: <A-.>, select: <A-.>
replaceReplace with new charnormal: r, select: r
switch_caseSwitch (toggle) casenormal: ~, select: ~
switch_to_uppercaseSwitch to uppercasenormal: <A-`>, select: <A-`>
switch_to_lowercaseSwitch to lowercasenormal: `, select: `
page_upMove page upnormal: <C-b>, Z<C-b>, z<C-b>, <pageup>, Z<pageup>, z<pageup>, select: <C-b>, Z<C-b>, z<C-b>, <pageup>, Z<pageup>, z<pageup>, insert: <pageup>
page_downMove page downnormal: <C-f>, Z<C-f>, z<C-f>, <pagedown>, Z<pagedown>, z<pagedown>, select: <C-f>, Z<C-f>, z<C-f>, <pagedown>, Z<pagedown>, z<pagedown>, insert: <pagedown>
half_page_upMove half page up
half_page_downMove half page down
page_cursor_upMove page and cursor up
page_cursor_downMove page and cursor down
page_cursor_half_upMove page and cursor half upnormal: <C-u>, Z<C-u>, z<C-u>, Z<backspace>, z<backspace>, select: <C-u>, Z<C-u>, z<C-u>, Z<backspace>, z<backspace>
page_cursor_half_downMove page and cursor half downnormal: <C-d>, Z<C-d>, z<C-d>, Z<space>, z<space>, select: <C-d>, Z<C-d>, z<C-d>, Z<space>, z<space>
select_allSelect whole documentnormal: %, select: %
select_regexSelect all regex matches inside selectionsnormal: s, select: s
split_selectionSplit selections on regex matchesnormal: S, select: S
split_selection_on_newlineSplit selection on newlinesnormal: <A-s>, select: <A-s>
merge_selectionsMerge selectionsnormal: <A-minus>, select: <A-minus>
merge_consecutive_selectionsMerge consecutive selectionsnormal: <A-_>, select: <A-_>
searchSearch for regex patternnormal: /, Z/, z/, select: /, Z/, z/
rsearchReverse search for regex patternnormal: ?, Z?, z?, select: ?, Z?, z?
search_nextSelect next search matchnormal: n, Zn, zn, select: Zn, zn
search_prevSelect previous search matchnormal: N, ZN, zN, select: ZN, zN
extend_search_nextAdd next search match to selectionselect: n
extend_search_prevAdd previous search match to selectionselect: N
search_selectionUse current selection as search patternnormal: <A-*>, select: <A-*>
search_selection_detect_word_boundariesUse current selection as the search pattern, automatically wrapping with \b on word boundariesnormal: *, select: *
make_search_word_boundedModify current search to make it word bounded
global_searchGlobal search in workspace foldernormal: <space>/, select: <space>/
extend_lineSelect current line, if already selected, extend to another line based on the anchor
extend_line_belowSelect current line, if already selected, extend to next linenormal: x, select: x
extend_line_aboveSelect current line, if already selected, extend to previous line
select_line_aboveSelect current line, if already selected, extend or shrink line above based on the anchor
select_line_belowSelect current line, if already selected, extend or shrink line below based on the anchor
extend_to_line_boundsExtend selection to line boundsnormal: X, select: X
shrink_to_line_boundsShrink selection to line boundsnormal: <A-x>, select: <A-x>
delete_selectionDelete selectionnormal: d, select: d
delete_selection_noyankDelete selection without yankingnormal: <A-d>, select: <A-d>
change_selectionChange selectionnormal: c, select: c
change_selection_noyankChange selection without yankingnormal: <A-c>, select: <A-c>
collapse_selectionCollapse selection into single cursornormal: ;, select: ;
flip_selectionsFlip selection cursor and anchornormal: <A-;>, select: <A-;>
ensure_selections_forwardEnsure all selections face forwardnormal: <A-:>, select: <A-:>
insert_modeInsert before selectionnormal: i, select: i
append_modeAppend after selectionnormal: a, select: a
command_modeEnter command modenormal: :, select: :
file_pickerOpen file pickernormal: <space>f, select: <space>f
file_picker_in_current_buffer_directoryOpen file picker at current buffer's directory
file_picker_in_current_directoryOpen file picker at current working directorynormal: <space>F, select: <space>F
file_explorerOpen file explorer in workspace rootnormal: <space>e, select: <space>e
file_explorer_in_current_buffer_directoryOpen file explorer at current buffer's directorynormal: <space>E, select: <space>E
file_explorer_in_current_directoryOpen file explorer at current working directory
code_actionPerform code actionnormal: <space>a, select: <space>a
buffer_pickerOpen buffer pickernormal: <space>b, select: <space>b
jumplist_pickerOpen jumplist pickernormal: <space>j, select: <space>j
symbol_pickerOpen symbol pickernormal: <space>s, select: <space>s
changed_file_pickerOpen changed file pickernormal: <space>g, select: <space>g
select_references_to_symbol_under_cursorSelect symbol referencesnormal: <space>h, select: <space>h
workspace_symbol_pickerOpen workspace symbol pickernormal: <space>S, select: <space>S
diagnostics_pickerOpen diagnostic pickernormal: <space>d, select: <space>d
workspace_diagnostics_pickerOpen workspace diagnostic pickernormal: <space>D, select: <space>D
last_pickerOpen last pickernormal: <space>', select: <space>'
insert_at_line_startInsert at start of linenormal: I, select: I
insert_at_line_endInsert at end of linenormal: A, select: A
open_belowOpen new line below selectionnormal: o, select: o
open_aboveOpen new line above selectionnormal: O, select: O
normal_modeEnter normal modenormal: <esc>, select: v, insert: <esc>
select_modeEnter selection extend modenormal: v
exit_select_modeExit selection modeselect: <esc>
goto_definitionGoto definitionnormal: gd, select: gd
goto_declarationGoto declarationnormal: gD, select: gD
add_newline_aboveAdd newline abovenormal: [<space>, select: [<space>
add_newline_belowAdd newline belownormal: ]<space>, select: ]<space>
goto_type_definitionGoto type definitionnormal: gy, select: gy
goto_implementationGoto implementationnormal: gi, select: gi
goto_file_startGoto line number else file startnormal: gg, select: gg
goto_file_endGoto file end
goto_fileGoto files/URLs in selectionsnormal: gf, select: gf
goto_file_hsplitGoto files in selections (hsplit)normal: <C-w>f, <space>wf, select: <C-w>f, <space>wf
goto_file_vsplitGoto files in selections (vsplit)normal: <C-w>F, <space>wF, select: <C-w>F, <space>wF
goto_referenceGoto referencesnormal: gr, select: gr
goto_window_topGoto window topnormal: gt, select: gt
goto_window_centerGoto window centernormal: gc, select: gc
goto_window_bottomGoto window bottomnormal: gb, select: gb
goto_last_accessed_fileGoto last accessed filenormal: ga, select: ga
goto_last_modified_fileGoto last modified filenormal: gm, select: gm
goto_last_modificationGoto last modificationnormal: g., select: g.
goto_lineGoto linenormal: G, select: G
goto_last_lineGoto last linenormal: ge, select: ge
goto_first_diagGoto first diagnosticnormal: [D, select: [D
goto_last_diagGoto last diagnosticnormal: ]D, select: ]D
goto_next_diagGoto next diagnosticnormal: ]d, select: ]d
goto_prev_diagGoto previous diagnosticnormal: [d, select: [d
goto_next_changeGoto next changenormal: ]g, select: ]g
goto_prev_changeGoto previous changenormal: [g, select: [g
goto_first_changeGoto first changenormal: [G, select: [G
goto_last_changeGoto last changenormal: ]G, select: ]G
goto_line_startGoto line startnormal: gh, <home>, select: gh, insert: <home>
goto_line_endGoto line endnormal: gl, <end>, select: gl
goto_next_bufferGoto next buffernormal: gn, select: gn
goto_previous_bufferGoto previous buffernormal: gp, select: gp
goto_line_end_newlineGoto newline at line endinsert: <end>
goto_first_nonwhitespaceGoto first non-blank in linenormal: gs, select: gs
trim_selectionsTrim whitespace from selectionsnormal: _, select: _
extend_to_line_startExtend to line startselect: <home>
extend_to_first_nonwhitespaceExtend to first non-blank in line
extend_to_line_endExtend to line endselect: <end>
extend_to_line_end_newlineExtend to line end
signature_helpShow signature help
smart_tabInsert tab if all cursors have all whitespace to their left; otherwise, run a separate command.insert: <tab>
insert_tabInsert tab charinsert: <S-tab>
insert_newlineInsert newline charinsert: <C-j>, <ret>
delete_char_backwardDelete previous charinsert: <C-h>, <backspace>, <S-backspace>
delete_char_forwardDelete next charinsert: <C-d>, <del>
delete_word_backwardDelete previous wordinsert: <C-w>, <A-backspace>
delete_word_forwardDelete next wordinsert: <A-d>, <A-del>
kill_to_line_startDelete till start of lineinsert: <C-u>
kill_to_line_endDelete till end of lineinsert: <C-k>
undoUndo changenormal: u, select: u
redoRedo changenormal: U, select: U
earlierMove backward in historynormal: <A-u>, select: <A-u>
laterMove forward in historynormal: <A-U>, select: <A-U>
commit_undo_checkpointCommit changes to new checkpointinsert: <C-s>
yankYank selectionnormal: y, select: y
yank_to_clipboardYank selections to clipboardnormal: <space>y, select: <space>y
yank_to_primary_clipboardYank selections to primary clipboard
yank_joinedJoin and yank selections
yank_joined_to_clipboardJoin and yank selections to clipboard
yank_main_selection_to_clipboardYank main selection to clipboardnormal: <space>Y, select: <space>Y
yank_joined_to_primary_clipboardJoin and yank selections to primary clipboard
yank_main_selection_to_primary_clipboardYank main selection to primary clipboard
replace_with_yankedReplace with yanked textnormal: R, select: R
replace_selections_with_clipboardReplace selections by clipboard contentnormal: <space>R, select: <space>R
replace_selections_with_primary_clipboardReplace selections by primary clipboard
paste_afterPaste after selectionnormal: p, select: p
paste_beforePaste before selectionnormal: P, select: P
paste_clipboard_afterPaste clipboard after selectionsnormal: <space>p, select: <space>p
paste_clipboard_beforePaste clipboard before selectionsnormal: <space>P, select: <space>P
paste_primary_clipboard_afterPaste primary clipboard after selections
paste_primary_clipboard_beforePaste primary clipboard before selections
indentIndent selectionnormal: <gt>, select: <gt>
unindentUnindent selectionnormal: <lt>, select: <lt>
format_selectionsFormat selectionnormal: =, select: =
join_selectionsJoin lines inside selectionnormal: J, select: J
join_selections_spaceJoin lines inside selection and select spacesnormal: <A-J>, select: <A-J>
keep_selectionsKeep selections matching regexnormal: K, select: K
remove_selectionsRemove selections matching regexnormal: <A-K>, select: <A-K>
align_selectionsAlign selections in columnnormal: &, select: &
keep_primary_selectionKeep primary selectionnormal: ,, select: ,
remove_primary_selectionRemove primary selectionnormal: <A-,>, select: <A-,>
completionInvoke completion popupinsert: <C-x>
hoverShow docs for item under cursornormal: <space>k, select: <space>k
toggle_commentsComment/uncomment selectionsnormal: <C-c>, <space>c, select: <C-c>, <space>c
toggle_line_commentsLine comment/uncomment selectionsnormal: <space><A-c>, select: <space><A-c>
toggle_block_commentsBlock comment/uncomment selectionsnormal: <space>C, select: <space>C
rotate_selections_forwardRotate selections forwardnormal: ), select: )
rotate_selections_backwardRotate selections backwardnormal: (, select: (
rotate_selection_contents_forwardRotate selection contents forwardnormal: <A-)>, select: <A-)>
rotate_selection_contents_backwardRotate selections contents backwardnormal: <A-(>, select: <A-(>
reverse_selection_contentsReverse selections contents
expand_selectionExpand selection to parent syntax nodenormal: <A-o>, <A-up>, select: <A-o>, <A-up>
shrink_selectionShrink selection to previously expanded syntax nodenormal: <A-i>, <A-down>, select: <A-i>, <A-down>
select_next_siblingSelect next sibling in the syntax treenormal: <A-n>, <A-right>, select: <A-n>, <A-right>
select_prev_siblingSelect previous sibling the in syntax treenormal: <A-p>, <A-left>, select: <A-p>, <A-left>
select_all_siblingsSelect all siblings of the current nodenormal: <A-a>, select: <A-a>
select_all_childrenSelect all children of the current nodenormal: <A-I>, <S-A-down>, select: <A-I>, <S-A-down>
jump_forwardJump forward on jumplistnormal: <C-i>, <tab>, select: <C-i>, <tab>
jump_backwardJump backward on jumplistnormal: <C-o>, select: <C-o>
save_selectionSave current selection to jumplistnormal: <C-s>, select: <C-s>
jump_view_rightJump to right splitnormal: <C-w>l, <space>wl, <C-w><C-l>, <C-w><right>, <space>w<C-l>, <space>w<right>, select: <C-w>l, <space>wl, <C-w><C-l>, <C-w><right>, <space>w<C-l>, <space>w<right>
jump_view_leftJump to left splitnormal: <C-w>h, <space>wh, <C-w><C-h>, <C-w><left>, <space>w<C-h>, <space>w<left>, select: <C-w>h, <space>wh, <C-w><C-h>, <C-w><left>, <space>w<C-h>, <space>w<left>
jump_view_upJump to split abovenormal: <C-w>k, <C-w><up>, <space>wk, <C-w><C-k>, <space>w<up>, <space>w<C-k>, select: <C-w>k, <C-w><up>, <space>wk, <C-w><C-k>, <space>w<up>, <space>w<C-k>
jump_view_downJump to split belownormal: <C-w>j, <space>wj, <C-w><C-j>, <C-w><down>, <space>w<C-j>, <space>w<down>, select: <C-w>j, <space>wj, <C-w><C-j>, <C-w><down>, <space>w<C-j>, <space>w<down>
swap_view_rightSwap with right splitnormal: <C-w>L, <space>wL, select: <C-w>L, <space>wL
swap_view_leftSwap with left splitnormal: <C-w>H, <space>wH, select: <C-w>H, <space>wH
swap_view_upSwap with split abovenormal: <C-w>K, <space>wK, select: <C-w>K, <space>wK
swap_view_downSwap with split belownormal: <C-w>J, <space>wJ, select: <C-w>J, <space>wJ
transpose_viewTranspose splitsnormal: <C-w>t, <space>wt, <C-w><C-t>, <space>w<C-t>, select: <C-w>t, <space>wt, <C-w><C-t>, <space>w<C-t>
rotate_viewGoto next windownormal: <C-w>w, <space>ww, <C-w><C-w>, <space>w<C-w>, select: <C-w>w, <space>ww, <C-w><C-w>, <space>w<C-w>
rotate_view_reverseGoto previous window
hsplitHorizontal bottom splitnormal: <C-w>s, <space>ws, <C-w><C-s>, <space>w<C-s>, select: <C-w>s, <space>ws, <C-w><C-s>, <space>w<C-s>
hsplit_newHorizontal bottom split scratch buffernormal: <C-w>ns, <space>wns, <C-w>n<C-s>, <space>wn<C-s>, select: <C-w>ns, <space>wns, <C-w>n<C-s>, <space>wn<C-s>
vsplitVertical right splitnormal: <C-w>v, <space>wv, <C-w><C-v>, <space>w<C-v>, select: <C-w>v, <space>wv, <C-w><C-v>, <space>w<C-v>
vsplit_newVertical right split scratch buffernormal: <C-w>nv, <space>wnv, <C-w>n<C-v>, <space>wn<C-v>, select: <C-w>nv, <space>wnv, <C-w>n<C-v>, <space>wn<C-v>
wcloseClose windownormal: <C-w>q, <space>wq, <C-w><C-q>, <space>w<C-q>, select: <C-w>q, <space>wq, <C-w><C-q>, <space>w<C-q>
wonlyClose windows except currentnormal: <C-w>o, <space>wo, <C-w><C-o>, <space>w<C-o>, select: <C-w>o, <space>wo, <C-w><C-o>, <space>w<C-o>
select_registerSelect registernormal: ", select: "
insert_registerInsert registerinsert: <C-r>
copy_between_registersCopy between two registers
align_view_middleAlign view middlenormal: Zm, zm, select: Zm, zm
align_view_topAlign view topnormal: Zt, zt, select: Zt, zt
align_view_centerAlign view centernormal: Zc, Zz, zc, zz, select: Zc, Zz, zc, zz
align_view_bottomAlign view bottomnormal: Zb, zb, select: Zb, zb
scroll_upScroll view upnormal: Zk, zk, Z<up>, z<up>, select: Zk, zk, Z<up>, z<up>
scroll_downScroll view downnormal: Zj, zj, Z<down>, z<down>, select: Zj, zj, Z<down>, z<down>
match_bracketsGoto matching bracketnormal: mm, select: mm
surround_addSurround addnormal: ms, select: ms
surround_replaceSurround replacenormal: mr, select: mr
surround_deleteSurround deletenormal: md, select: md
select_textobject_aroundSelect around objectnormal: ma, select: ma
select_textobject_innerSelect inside objectnormal: mi, select: mi
goto_next_functionGoto next functionnormal: ]f, select: ]f
goto_prev_functionGoto previous functionnormal: [f, select: [f
goto_next_classGoto next type definitionnormal: ]t, select: ]t
goto_prev_classGoto previous type definitionnormal: [t, select: [t
goto_next_parameterGoto next parameternormal: ]a, select: ]a
goto_prev_parameterGoto previous parameternormal: [a, select: [a
goto_next_commentGoto next commentnormal: ]c, select: ]c
goto_prev_commentGoto previous commentnormal: [c, select: [c
goto_next_testGoto next testnormal: ]T, select: ]T
goto_prev_testGoto previous testnormal: [T, select: [T
goto_next_entryGoto next pairingnormal: ]e, select: ]e
goto_prev_entryGoto previous pairingnormal: [e, select: [e
goto_next_paragraphGoto next paragraphnormal: ]p, select: ]p
goto_prev_paragraphGoto previous paragraphnormal: [p, select: [p
dap_launchLaunch debug targetnormal: <space>Gl, select: <space>Gl
dap_restartRestart debugging sessionnormal: <space>Gr, select: <space>Gr
dap_toggle_breakpointToggle breakpointnormal: <space>Gb, select: <space>Gb
dap_continueContinue program executionnormal: <space>Gc, select: <space>Gc
dap_pausePause program executionnormal: <space>Gh, select: <space>Gh
dap_step_inStep innormal: <space>Gi, select: <space>Gi
dap_step_outStep outnormal: <space>Go, select: <space>Go
dap_nextStep to nextnormal: <space>Gn, select: <space>Gn
dap_variablesList variablesnormal: <space>Gv, select: <space>Gv
dap_terminateEnd debug sessionnormal: <space>Gt, select: <space>Gt
dap_edit_conditionEdit breakpoint condition on current linenormal: <space>G<C-c>, select: <space>G<C-c>
dap_edit_logEdit breakpoint log message on current linenormal: <space>G<C-l>, select: <space>G<C-l>
dap_switch_threadSwitch current threadnormal: <space>Gst, select: <space>Gst
dap_switch_stack_frameSwitch stack framenormal: <space>Gsf, select: <space>Gsf
dap_enable_exceptionsEnable exception breakpointsnormal: <space>Ge, select: <space>Ge
dap_disable_exceptionsDisable exception breakpointsnormal: <space>GE, select: <space>GE
shell_pipePipe selections through shell commandnormal: |, select: |
shell_pipe_toPipe selections into shell command ignoring outputnormal: <A-|>, select: <A-|>
shell_insert_outputInsert shell command output before selectionsnormal: !, select: !
shell_append_outputAppend shell command output after selectionsnormal: <A-!>, select: <A-!>
shell_keep_pipeFilter selections with shell predicatenormal: $, select: $
suspendSuspend and return to shellnormal: <C-z>, select: <C-z>
rename_symbolRename symbolnormal: <space>r, select: <space>r
incrementIncrement item under cursornormal: <C-a>, select: <C-a>
decrementDecrement item under cursornormal: <C-x>, select: <C-x>
record_macroRecord macronormal: Q, select: Q
replay_macroReplay macronormal: q, select: q
command_paletteOpen command palettenormal: <space>?, select: <space>?
goto_wordJump to a two-character labelnormal: gw
extend_to_wordExtend to a two-character labelselect: gw
goto_next_tabstopgoto next snippet placeholder
goto_prev_tabstopgoto next snippet placeholder